The sbmmoff vpn is a skilled based match making busting vpn!
How it works is like this:
You connect to a far away vpn server location ( there are 42 servers in total to pick from ), and by connecting to a far away location the match making server for call of duty assumes that you will have a very high ping.
The match making server then prioritizes your connection instead of your KD level like it usually would if you were not using a vpn.
By prioritizing your connection you will be placed into easier lobbies overall thus bypassing the skill based match making aspect of the game.
But not only that, your ping will remain low and lag free as this special vpn from only sends the match making part of your game over the vpn connection.
You actual game packets continue to flow as normal over your existing isp connection, this means that you get all of the benefits of a connection based game including some low KD lobbies, just like the top streamers get!